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Out With The Old....

I just love coming into a new year!

It's like the first crisp page in a new journal.

Full of possibility....just waiting to be written and lived. To have amazing things poured out into it.... intimate scribblings of the heart.

I get a new journal at the end of every year in anticipation of January 1st. Even if I still have pages left in a previous journal....

To be honest, this is the only time that I will get something new before something old is finished.

I don't like to waste anything.

Not time, not food, not clothing, nothing.

And yet, a new year makes my soul sing so brightly that I WANT to release the old and step into the new fully.

We ALL need a fresh start.... whether it be to our day or our year. The word of God promises us fresh grace daily!

It is up to us to walk in it.

I did something just recently that was very freeing, a fresh start in it's own right.

I unsubscribed to all but three of my daily devotionals....

Crazy right???

I bet I can guess your next question...

Just how many daily devotionals was I getting in my inbox??

Are you ready for that answer....?

Are you REALLY ready?


Yes, ten.

And it was incredibly stressful and not at all inspiring or refreshing because I would have a sense of incompleteness and feeling like I failed somehow if I didn't get through them all, and absorbed what they were saying.

Can you relate?

In the interest of trusting the Lord this year;

in His goodness, faithfulness and love;

I felt led by the Spirit to relax into that trust.

To put it into action and not just talk about it.

I hate to think that I am missing out on anything that God has to say to me, which is how all ten of those devos came to be in my inbox daily.... ahem....

I'm here to tell you that I have heard the voice of God clearly in this past week now that I have had "only" those three coming in daily. Plus the stress is gone. It has been nothing short of miraculous, refreshing, and amazing. And isn't that what we want to experience in God daily? I know I do..

More is not always best....sometimes more just equals a mess. In the Kingdom of God, simple is more.

So how about you sister?

What can you cut down on to hear His voice more clearly? What can you shuffle around or remove that causes you more stress than blessing?

Today, I am praying that the Lord would reveal whatever it is to your wanting heart....

Blessings in His Name, Michelle

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