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Thankfulness on Thanksgiving....(and the days before)

It's almost here ladies!!!

The one day per year where we stuff ourselves to bursting with no caloric consequences!! haha ;)

It is also the craziest day of the year (outside of the day after...where the mad scramble for Black Friday takes place) for those who are hosting the Thanksgiving feast.

The cleaning....

The cooking....

The planning....

The last minute remembering.....

We had our family Thanksgiving yesterday. It was filled with love, laughter, and of course, tons of food. The hours leading up to that though were kinda rough for me.

Why you ask?

Because a certain panic sets in as time marches merrily in spite of your growing to-do list while you are trying to keep up.

Morning is great! Coffee, Jesus, snuggles with the kids, snuggles with the hubby....

Then onto preparing food...and the house (because even though you DID clean yesterday in preparation for today, it still looks like a small tornado blew through..)...and getting people dressed (which, if we're being honest IS the most difficult thing out of it all...and WHY is mom the only one able to find any clothing of any kind for anyone???)... delegating prep work (to children and a hubby who don't look NEARLY as panicked as you do, or as they ought to, about time marching merrily on faster than things are getting done....)...and the list goes on.

I am proud to announce that I only had a very brief moment of losing my mind on everyone yesterday.

In case you are wondering, it came when I was trying to get myself ready and everyone else plus the ham in the oven and get children dressed (I refer you to the above statement about getting kids dressed) while my hubby relaxed on the couch with a movie completely oblivious to my mental breakdown as everyone around simultaneously forgot how to get dressed, or even what their primary language was so they could not understand a word that I said to them..(insert eye roll..)

Moving on.....

So, about thankfulness on Thanksgiving.

I'm going to share something with you.

It IS possible. Not JUST possible...but attainable!! Yes, yes I know. Crazy huh?

1 Thessalonians 5:18 says: "Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus."

Now, I don't know about y'all, but for many many years I struggled with consolidating the Cross with my everyday life as a mama and a wife. I mean there were days when I could not even think straight. Still are.... but they are different now.

Instead of remaining in my frustration and sometimes anger, about how NOT well things are going, I am much quicker to lean into the Lord.

Note how I said that I am much quicker about it, not that I instantly do so.....

Thankfulness and turning to the Lord requires a renewing of our minds. We HAVE TO intentionally do it!! Meaning, that while you are standing there having your mental breakdown, you must choose to say yes to the Lord and no to your circumstances. I promise that the more you do it, the easier it get. We are casting out the poison of self-sufficiency and instead receiving of the healing promise of peace in Christ when we declare His Word over our harried hearts and minds. He WILL respond, and quickly!!!

So, even though my big family Thanksgiving is over, we still have our own little Thanksgiving coming up. With turkey (yum!) and all the fixins... This morning is quiet and I am gathering strength in Him for the week ahead. I encourage you to start NOW with thankfulness so that by the time that blessed day of Thanks arrives, your heart is well prepared and your mind is ready to redirect you to scripture and those beautiful promises therein.

I'm praying over this time for all of us! God bless you richly as you seek after Him with all your heart.... Blessings, Michelle

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